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Ústí nad Labem

Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) is one of the integrated instruments used to obtain funds from operational programs of the European Union.

The ITI is intended for the development of metropolitan areas, which according to the Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic also include the Ústí-Chomutov agglomeration. In addition to the territory of the statutory cities of the Ústí region (Děčín, Chomutov, Most, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem), this agglomeration is also defined by their functional background.

The greatest advantage of the ITI is the possibility of drawing funds from the EU operational programs for significant and integrated projects having a significant impact on the Ústí-Chomutov agglomeration. In the case of the ITI Ústecko-Chomutov agglomeration, these are specifically the Integrated Regional Operational Program, the Operational Program Environment, Operational Program Johannes Amos Comenius (research, development and education), the Operational Program Transport, the Operational Program Employment. Applicants can be cities, municipalities and other entities (transport companies, universities, non-profit organizations etc.) having a significant role in their operating area.

The essential document and support for the ITI Ústecko-Chomutov agglomeration is the Integrated Strategy of the Ústí-Chomutov Agglomeration (integrated strategy is unfortunately available only in Czech).